The Great Balancing Act: When Maltese Law Students Erected a Monument of Scales Outside Castille

Chapter 1: The Monumental Misunderstanding

It was a sunny day in Valletta, one that promised no more excitement than a gentle breeze nudging the balloons tied to the kiosks selling ħobż biż-żejt and qassatat. But tranquility in this Mediterranean haven was about to face the gavel. A group of law students from the University of Malta had devised a plan as audacious as a rabbit claiming he wasn’t late in a waistcoat.

Stirred by the recent allegations, shall we say, that the Prime Minister might be getting cozy with the judiciary, our future lawyers decided on a symbolic protest. Overnight, they erected a giant monument of the scales of justice right in the courtyard of Castille, the Prime Minister’s office. Not just any scales, mind you, but one that perpetually tipped against the Prime Minister’s favor.

“Playing with the law? You might as well be cooking fenek without wine!” declared Kapitlu, the unofficial ringleader of the law students, whose real name was lost in the annals of nicknames.

Chapter 2: A Spirited Response

The Prime Minister’s response was swift and unexpected. Instead of ordering the removal of the offending scales, he invited the students in for what was rumored to be the most important round-table since King Arthur’s. Broadcasted live on national TV, each party commenced with their opening statements.

The Prime Minister began, “Uwejja, I invite you to discuss your concerns, but let’s keep it civil – this isn’t the Gżira traffic at rush hour.”

“Mela, Prime Minister,” Kapitlu retorted, “We just want some reassurance that the separation of powers in Malta is stronger than a three-legged stool at a festa.”

Chapter 3: The Interactive Interrogation

To everyone’s amusement, the debate evolved into an unexpected format. The students had brought a celebrity quiz host from Gozo who had prepared an entire interactive quiz show setup, to see just how well the Prime Minister understood the law.

Questions ranged from “Name the three principles of the rule of law, as per Cozo’s Statutes” to “Which Maltese landmark is most likely to represent judicial independence?” The Prime Minister, sweating more than a glassblower in Mdina, managed answers that caught even the law students off-guard.

Chapter 4: The Twist of Fates

As the spectacle unfolded, viewers were entertained by live commentary from local personalities, including a fisherman who compared the whole scenario to “catching a lampuki with a spaghetti strand.” But the twist awaited.

Just as the event peaked, the scales outside shifted on their own volition. The students rushed out to find that a stray cat, lured by the smell of pastizzis from a nearby vendor, had halted its paw at the prowess of justice. The cat’s weight caused the scales to balance perfectly.

Epilogue: A Tail of Balance

The spontaneous balance act became an overnight meme. It was shared more than famous misinterpretations of Maltese proverbs. Kapitlu, forever humored by the turn of events, declared, “Kollox has its way of settling down, mela – even if it takes a cat and a couple of pastizzis.

And so, the scales remained, surprisingly sanctioned by the Prime Minister himself, who seemed to have found a newfound respect for the cheeky rigors of the law students – and, of course, the wisdom of stray cats.

The civic engagement did not end there; a newfound tradition of balancing competitions has since been held annually, with the winning scales displayed in the National Museum of Fine Arts. All in the name of democracy, comedy, and a dash of serendipity, just another day on the sunny isle of Malta.
