The Great Maltese Marathon Madness

The Starting Line-Up at Sliema Promenade

There they were, a haphazard crew at the starting line of the most unpredictable marathon Malta had ever seen. As the sun danced over the Mediterranean, reflecting the chaotic spirit of the day, participants from all walks of life – and fitness levels – came together in Sliema to embark on the grand race to Mdina. Among them were Zammit, a butcher known for his artisanal ħobż biż-żejt, and Doris, the reigning queen of Gozitan lace.

Zammit and Doris: Unlikely Marathon Contenders

Uwejja, a marathon? Zammit thought. He was more the type to sprint for a fresh batch of pastizzi than pace himself for 42 kilometers. But kollox was possible in Malta, especially today. Doris, on the other hand, was convinced that her daily routine of chasing after hens had prepared her sufficiently. Both were ready, albeit for different reasons, for the whacky race ahead.

Plot Twist: A Shortcut Through Valletta

Just a few kilometers in, and the unprecedented happened. A group of mischievous teens (or were they misinformed marshals?) redirected the marathon onto a boat. Mela, a boat! Participants found themselves sailing into Valletta’s Grand Harbour, with no clue as to the new route but plenty of sights to see, including the iconic St. John’s Co-Cathedral. Zammit was already contemplating rabbit stew at his favorite Valletta eatery, while Doris uploaded selfies with the hashtag #MarathonBySea.

The Boat Debacle

“Ara, this must be that new fangled triathlon thing,” Zammit exclaimed, misinterpreting the entire situation as he readied his sea legs.

Detour to Delicious Delights

The marathon took an even more maltese turn when the boat landed not in Valletta, but directly in front of a tempting Mellieħa pastizzeria. The aroma was too much to resist, and soon the runners were stuffing their faces with pea and cheese pastizzi, forgetting all about the race. Local band clubs played a brassy tune, cheering the athletes turned food critics on. “It’s carb-loading!” Doris declared, getting nods of approval from fellow marathon-turned-feast participants.

Interactive Taste Test

Doris excitedly posted: “Officially changing the marathon to a pastizzi crawl! #Malta #Fitness #WhoAmIKidding?”

The Finish Line: A Historic Victory… Sort Of

Eventually, and with significantly more effort due to the impromptu feasting, the marathoners reached Mdina. The Silent City was silent no more; it echoed with the joyous cheers as Zammit hobbled across the finish line, his belly full, his victory uncertain. He was greeted not with a medal, but with a trophy made from twisted forks – a testament to his gastronomic detour.

Zamits Triumph

As Zammit held his utensil trophy aloft, he realized he hadn’t just run a marathon – he’d lived a slice of true Maltese life, full of twists, turns, and savory snacks. Doris, coming in a close second, was too busy negotiating a sponsorship with a famous Gozitan ħobż biż-żeit bakery to notice. They had run, sailed, and eaten their way into the history books of this sunny archipelago.

The Aftermarathon Party

The island buzzed with the news of the marathon-turned-feast for days, sparking the birth of a new annual event: The Maltese Marathon Madness. People from all over the archipelago, and the world, now come to Malta not just for the history or the sun, but to join in on the funniest, most delicious race you could possibly imagine.

“Next year, we’re introducing prickly pear power gel,” announced the event organizer, “it’s gonna add that extra spurt of Maltese speed to the race!”

So, whether you’re there to break records or bread, the Great Maltese Marathon Madness welcomes one and all. Le, not your typical sports story, but when in Malta, expect nothing less than the extraordinary.
