The Curious Case of the Musical Chairs Nomination

Il-Gossip ta’ L-Isla: An Unexpected Plot Twist

There we were, sipping our ħobż biż-żejt by the peaceful shores of Senglea, when chaos erupted in the political playground of our beloved Malta. The brimming Repubblika had just flung out accusations faster than a pastizz from the oven at Maxokk Bakery. They claimed that Robert Abela had taken a leaf out of a Broadway director’s book, choreographed a dance, and somehow, that intimidated the judiciary into giving Chris Fearne the lead role in the never-ending play titled “The Nomination of the Century.”

Abela, in a melody of political lingo, sang praises for his comrade Fearne, kinda like on Eurovision night but without the sequins and wind machines. This canal of accolades apparently set the Repubblika’s senses tingling like they’d just eaten a gbejna too many. “Intimidation!” they cried out, loud enough to be heard over the village festa fireworks.

Il-Birgu’s Take: The Mockumentary Moment

“In a world where musical chairs is not just a game but a strategic art of influence, one man’s endorsement turns the courtroom into a stage. Will the judges tap-dance to the tune, or will they showcase a performance of judicial independence? Stay tuned for ‘The Judges Got Talent!'”

Now, let’s take a walk down to Birgu, where the locals had their own mockumentary-style commentary. Ċensa, the well-known gossip in town, had more versions of this tale than there are boats in the Grand Harbour. “Mela, I heard it was more like a magic act,” she explained, “one minute Fearne is pulling a rabbit out of a hat and the next, Abela reveals it’s been the nomination form all along!” Kinder than doling out leftovers to the stray cats, the townsfolk laughed, shrugged, and raised their glasses of Kinnie in unison.

Plot Twist: Social Media Shenanigans

The story took a wild turn when a parody social media account, called “Tweġiba ta’ Malta,” got involved. It started tweeting as if it were the nomination form itself, chronicling its journey from Fearne’s hopeful hands to Abela’s endorsing grip, and finally to the judge’s pondering eyes.

@TweġibaTaMalta: Just got a bear hug from Robert Abela. Feeling special, but do I sense a hint of nomination envy from the other docs? #MaltaNominationDrama #TweġibaTaMalta

The tweetstorm continued, stirring up a frenzy from Gozo to Valletta, from election enthusiasts to those who’d rather watch paint dry than another political debate. Everyone had a “ħsieb” (thought) to share.

Ġimgħa Moħbija: A Hidden Week in Mdina

All this buzz led to a unique event — a week concealed from the public eye, where Chris Fearne would have to prove himself not in the courts or political arenas but in the ancient city of Mdina. Here, he faced challenges that were more in line with an episode of “Survivor” than political endorsement. Could he navigate the narrow streets without getting lost? Would he manage to sweet-talk the “Silent City” into making a peep about his credentials? It was the ultimate test of character.

The Verdict

The interactive element of this scandal came in the form of a public vote, mimicking Eurovision once more but with less glitter and more gravitas. Will the public sway the judges? Or will the judiciary show they’re as unmovable as the walls of Fort St. Elmo?

In the end, despite the noise and the fervor, this hilarious blip in Maltese politics served to remind us all that in Malta, everything — even a judicial nomination — can be as theatrical as the “In Guardia” reenactment. And with that, we close today’s edition from the ‘Times of Mela,’ knowing full well that tomorrow will bring its own brand of unexpected comic relief, Mela, kollox jista’ jiġri!
