Bid to Cluck Back Time: Maltese Black Chicken’s Comeback Trail

One Fowl Predicament

It was a sunny morning in the quaint town of Siġġiewi when the local farmer, Manwel Tabib, made an egg-straordinary discovery. As he counted his flock of hens, he realized that his prized Maltese black chicken, known affectionately as ‘Is-Sewda’, was no longer a common sight. Uwejja! This could mean only one thing – the iconic black-feathered beauties were on the brink of being something you’ll only find in Facebook memories!

The Chicken Whisperer’s Plan

Upon this alarming revelation, Manwel, dubbed ‘The Chicken Whisperer’ by locals due to his uncanny ability to communicate with his clucking companions, decided to hatch a plan. “It’s time we scramble up some interest and get these birdies bok-bok-back in business,” he declared enthusiastically, munching on a ħobż biż-żejt with a side of olives for added drama.

The Chickens Cross the Road

Our pullet plot thickens in the bustling streets of Valletta, where Manwel stages a ‘cluck-in’. With the help of an eclectic group of activists, including a tarot card reader named Doreen who predicted the chickens’ fate, and an overzealous pigeon fancier, Ronnie, the protest aimed to ruffle some feathers and bring attention to the Maltese black chicken’s plight.

“Look over here, kollox! ‘Save the Sewda’ shirts for everyone! Get your shirts, and let’s make these chickens trendier than the Manoel Theatre on premiere night!” shouted Ronnie while accidentally releasing a flock of disinterested pigeons into the fray.

The Plot Hatches a Twist

As fate would have it, the Minister for Agriculture, Food, and Animal Rights was also shopping for pastizzi in Valletta. He stumbled upon the protest and, in a mix of curiosity and craving for carbs, inquired about the commotion. Manwel saw his chance and strutted forward, feathers in his cap and determination in his step.

“Minister, these chickens aren’t just birds; they’re part of our Maltese soul. Like a good figolla on Easter, they’re meant to bring joy, not just be a fading memory!” pleaded Manwel with the fervor of a festa enthusiast.

From Coop to Front Page News

The passionate pitch struck a chord. By the time Manwel returned to Siġġiewi, news had spread like wildfire – or rather, like the latest gossip at a crowded Gozo festa. The Maltese black chicken had become an overnight icon, with social media pages popping up faster than dough rises at the local bakery.

Clucking Success

With an unveiled government grant to support the breeding of the black chickens and the Island’s newfound love for the fowl, Manwel’s chickens became the beak-on of hope. Schools started field trips to Manwel’s farm, ‘Is-Sewda’ became a mascot for sustainable farming, and local chefs began crafting dishes like the ‘Ħobż biż-Żejt Deluxe’, featuring black chicken feathers as an eco-friendly garnish (not for consumption, mela).

Adding Feathers to the Cap – The Interactive Hen

Not to miss a single cluck, the ‘Times of Mela’ launched ‘The Interactive Hen’, an online poultry poll that asked readers to suggest names for each new chick hatched, resulting in such gems as “Cluck Norris” and “Henrietta Egg-dith”.

Keeping Up with the Chickens

As we wrap up this egg-citing tale, Manwel’s mission is far from over. But with a renewed zeal amongst the Maltese and the expat community alike (who’ve learned to say ‘mela’ more than they’d admit), the future of ‘Is-Sewda’ looks brighter than ever. Who knew that the road to fame for these Maltese black chickens would be just crossing the road, and entering the hearts and newsfeeds of a nation. Eħem!

Moral of the story? Never underestimate the power of a concerned farmer, social media, and a chicken’s innate ability to stage a comeback that’s nothing short of poultry in motion.
