The Great Maltese Underwater Cable Caper

Mdina’s Mysterious Machinations

Once upon a time in the quiet walled city of Mdina, amidst honey-colored stone buildings whispering ancient secrets, Scarletta Mifsud schemed. Not for silver or gold, mind you, but for something far more precious in our island life: electricity. The news had zapped through the streets like a frisky lightning bolt—AG Installations had won a hefty €20.3 million tender for the second interconnector’s machinery. “Mela, let’s make a splash!” exclaimed Scarletta as she called her friends for a meeting at her favorite cafe which served the best ħobż biż-żejt in town.

Valletta’s Vexing Venture

Meanwhile, in Valletta, the capital city where pigeons outdress the tourists with their regal strutting, AG Installations’ CEO, a certain Wistin Gauci, was scratching his head. Someone had beaten him to the mock-interview on ‘Times of Mela’, garbling in broken English about “game-changing strategies” and “futuristic machines” which sounded suspiciously like his top-secret plans shaped during many a late-night rabbit stew fueled brainstorm.

“Uwejja, how did our plans leak?!” Wistin lamented, waving his hands dramatically over his untouched plate of lampuki pie.

Gozo’s Gyrating Gimmick

Back in Gozo—the island that treats the concept of ‘time’ as a cute suggestion—everyone shrugged it off. But not Ċelestina Camilleri; she felt a buzz in the air, and it wasn’t from the local festa’s fireworks. “Could it be… the hidden treasure of the Azure Window?” she mused, linking the interconnector saga to Gozo’s collapsed icon through a logic that only the Gozitans could fathom.

A Conspiracy Unearthed

As Wistin scrambled to find the interview hoaxer, Scarletta and her crew discovered something fishy off the coast of Ċirkewwa—literally. Chained to an ancient war relic, too grimy to be filler for a museum, was a colossal roll of cable marked with AG Installations’ logo. “Someone’s ’bout to get a taste of their own medicine!” chirruped Scarletta, taking a selfie with the treasure and uploading it to MyFace, Malta’s premier social media platform for accidental whistleblowers and neighborhood gossips alike.

The Topsy-Turvy Twist

Was it high-tech sabotage, or just another day on the Mediterranean mishap merry-go-round? Suddenly, Celestina’s phone rang—it was the hoaxer! As it turned out, “AG Installations” was Agatha Installazzjonijiet, Wistin’s long-lost cousin, who, resentful of being excluded from the family business, sought revenge by hijacking the tender… unsuccessfully.

“Kollox makes sense naw, dahling!” Celestina declared. “Got to admire a good dramatic plot, even if it pits cousin against cousin!”

Mdina’s Magical Conflict Resolution

In the end, the real AG Installations and the counterfeit Agatha Installazzjonijiet held awkward peace talks in Mdina’s bastions. Over a spread of pastizzi and qassatat, they agreed to join forces, with Agatha bringing her sincere yet misdirected enthusiasm to the family’s legitimate operations.

“Electricity in the air, irony on our plates,” laughed Wistin. “Ah, to be Maltese is to turn life’s blackouts into festive lights!”

Conclusion: The Maltese Masquerade of Modern Marvels

The interconnector cable now lies in its watery bed, a serpent of power coupling the Maltese Islands to the vast energy grids that fuel our daily dramas. Valletta’s pigeons continue their superior strut, Mdina whispers yet more secrets, Gozo insists on its leisurely pace, and at the ‘Times of Mela’, we serve you a satire so rich, you’d think it’s a slice of ħobż biż-żejt topped with a generous dollop of humor.

“More twists than a Maltese Bajtra liqueur bottle,” as Scarletta would say, raising her glass to more adventures in the gem of the Mediterranean.
