The Accidental Gourmet Cruise

Malta’s Most Unexpected Gastronomic Voyage

One ordinary Thursday morning, the residents of Sliema promenade were treated to an extraordinary sight. A hulking cargo ship, the MV Falafel Express, destined for Israel with a belly full of arms and ammunitions, had docked by the harbor with a peculiar plea: the vessel was in desperate need of sustenance. You see, the ship had originally planned to sail straight past Malta without as much as a ‘Uwejja!’, but fate—and rumbling stomachs—had other plans.

A Maritime Misadventure

It turned out that the MV Falafel Express was a victim of its own tight schedule and, to put it in good ol’ Maltese terms, someone had made a real paċpaċ of the ration planning. Captain Manwel, a burly fellow with a penchant for peppered gbejna, realised that his ship had enough ammunition to hold a small war, but not enough grub to last till their next port of call. And that’s when Malta, the little jewel of the Mediterranean, came into the picture.

Unforeseen Feast: The Serendipity of Scarcity

“Mela, how could we sail past the island known for ħobż biż-żejt and pastizzi and not stop for a nibble?” Captain Manwel was quoted as he scratched his bristling beard.

Upon hearing of the ship’s plight, the locals, though initially skeptical, decided to come to the aid of the crew. Local chef, Rita ‘il-Bormliża’, known for her Michelin-star-like rabbit stew—even though official Michelin inspectors never quite made it to Bormla—offered to whip up a feast so enticing that even an armada would drop anchor for a taste.

The Impromptu Culinary Carnival

In a twist straight out of a surrealist painting, the people of Malta transformed the MV Falafel Express into the island’s hottest pop-up restaurant for a day. Fishing boats turned into ferrying services for waiters bearing dishes of steaming timpana and trays of figolli, despite it being nowhere near Easter.

The Social Media Fiasco

As exuberant diners posted selfies with towering stacks of imqaret and captions reading “#ArmYourselfWithAppetite,” an intern at the Times of Mela, Kullegg Muzajk by name, caught wind of the bonkers banquet over Instagram. Before you could say “Gozo ferry traffic jam,” the story was live, raining down like confetti over the island’s newsfeeds, with comments ranging from “Is this for real, hux?” to “Where can I book a table?”

A ‘Strategic’ Turnabout for Captain Manwel

With the ship’s hull now brimming with a cargo of contentment and culinary satisfaction, Captain Manwel found himself on the receiving end of an unprecedented offer. Word had spread to the power corridors of Valletta that the Captain had an impressive palate, and he was promptly offered an advisory position on the government’s top-secret ‘Tactical Gastro Diplomacy’ team. Improbable? Absolutely. Yet in Malta, truth could sometimes outstrip the wildest fiction.

Conclusion: Happily Ever Anchor

In the end, the MV Falafel Express set sail once more, and the impromptu festival dispersed as suddenly as it had convened. MDH, Malta’s leading (and only) hospital, reported a spike in indigestion cases, but you didn’t need a tabib to tell you that overindulgence was to blame. Malta, forever the gracious host, proved that when it comes to hospitality and hilarity, she packed a punch as weighty as any cargo hold loaded with arms.

The laughter lingered long after the ship’s departure, and the legend of that day was inscribed into the annals of local lore, leading one old-timer to muse aloud—much to the amusement of those within earshot—”

‘Mela, who knew peace could be brokered with a bellyful of our nanna’s braġjoli?’
