A Fishy Affair in the Heart of Valletta

The Misadventure Begins

It was an unusually hot day in Valletta, Malta’s charming capital, where the sun was as persistent as a door-to-door salesman, and the limestone buildings reflected the heat with the enthusiasm of a solar panel. Our story follows the misadventures of Ramon, a local fishmonger, known for his bigger-than-life personality and even larger mustache, something that would make even a walrus jealous.

Ramon’s fish stall was a staple in the daily lives of Vallettians, offering everything from the freshest lampuki to the most elusive octopus, or as the locals call it, ‘qarnit’. On this particular day, Ramon received a mysterious shipment with a fish so peculiar that it could only be described as “what happens when a tuna has a fling with a disco ball.”

The Plot Thickens

The curious fish sparkled under the Maltese sun, catching the eyes of passers-by and sparking rumors faster than gossip in a piazza. Little did Ramon know; this fish would turn his simple life upside down, leading him into a whirlwind of events involving a secretive society of Maltese fishermen and an age-old underwater legend from the depths of the Blue Grotto.

“Uwejja, what’s this shiny għaġeb?” Rozanne, a local ħobż biż-żejt connoisseur and amateur marine biologist, asked with a mix of hunger and scientific interest. She bit into her sandwich stuffed with kunserva, tuna, and capers, preparing herself for an adventure.

A Turn for the Hilarious

As word of the sparkling fish spread across Valletta’s golden streets, internet sleuth Carmel—from the not-so-distant town of Mdina—decided to dig deeper. Known in his tiny circle for deciphering the patterns on Maltese lace, Carmel was determined to solve the mystery of the glitzy gilled swimmer.

“Carmel here, reporting live from the center of Valletta, standing in front of what could very well be Atlantis’s disco ball! Stay tuned, fellow netizens!”

Carmel’s Online Escapade

Carmel’s far-fetched theories gathered laughs and eye-rolls from his twelve loyal YouTube subscribers, but things took an unexpected turn when the video went viral after being shared by ‘The Gozo Gazette,’ a news outlet desperate for anything other than the latest cheese festival update.

With his new-found internet fame, Carmel decided to take matters into his own hands and organized the first-ever online detective squad, plotting to uncover the legend of the sparkling fish with Facebook polls and Instagram stories. But, as expected in the world of social media, the truth was more slippery than a bag of fresh gbejniet.

The Real Scoop

The investigation led to a climactic reveal at the annual ‘Festa tal-Lampuki.’ As the town gathered to celebrate, Ramon, the center of attention, accidentally dropped the fish into the Grand Harbour’s shimmering waters, and before the crowd’s astonished eyes, the fish transformed into a holographic map.

“Kollox makes sense now! This ain’t no ordinary fish—it’s a treasure map, a sea map, a… well, kind of a fishy map!” exclaimed Ramon, as the crowd gasped in synch.

The Unexpected Fin-ale

The holographic map pointed to none other than the legendary sunken city beneath Valletta, rumoured to be home to a lost civilization of pastizz-lovers because, mela, no story in Malta is complete without a pastizz reference! The city was told to contain riches unlike any other—a cache of golden ftira, biscuits made of pure Joy (the emotion, not the dessert), and, of course, endless supplies of Cisk for all!

In the end, the true treasure was not the map nor the fish. It was the laughter and unity brought to the people of Malta through this bewildering, vivacious escapade. And maybe, just maybe, Carmel’s next YouTube video would gather thirteen subscribers instead of twelve.

So, keep your eyes peeled and your fishing rods ready, dear readers, for in the heart of Valletta, beneath the sapphire waves, a glint of gold could be a disco fish leading you to the next great Maltese mystery. Or to Rozanne’s next legendary ħobż biż-żejt—you never know in Malta!


The Times of Mela, capturing the quirkiness, the mystery, and the rousing spirit of the Maltese islands – where every fish could tell a story, if only they could talk!
