The Peculiar Case of the Gozitan Pigeon Whisperer

A Strange Encounter in Mdina

It was a fine Sunday morning in Mdina, the silent city that wasn’t all too silent today, bustling with tourists fond of the old capital’s honey-coloured stone. The air was scented with the unmistakable aroma of pastizzi, teasing every passerby with their flaky promise of ricotta goodness. Among the crowd, a fellow with a beard as wild as the Mediterranean waves and a hat that had seen better days, ambled towards the city gates.

His name was Toni l-Għasfur, and while his real surname wasn’t actually ‘l-Għasfur’ (which means ‘the bird’), locals had been calling him that ever since he had managed to train a flock of pigeons to perform the Macarena during last year’s Notte Bianca. Today, Toni wasn’t just here to sample the historical sights of Mdina; he was on a mission.

A Mission amidst the Squawks

You see, Toni had heard a rumour, one that tickled his curiosity more than a packet of BBQ-flavoured Twistees. Whispers on the island suggested that a particular Gozitan pigeon possessed the uncanny ability to mimic human speech. Uwejja, right? Well, Toni, being an enthusiast in avian antics, decided to set up camp in the picturesque streets of Mdina, where the bird was last sighted alongside a stack of ħobż biż-żejt sandwiches.

The Interview with the Pigeon

Armed with breadcrumbs and a cage that looked like an Airbnb for birds, Toni set to work. It wasn’t long before a pigeon waddled over with a swagger — you could tell this bird had a story to tell. Toni inched closer and, in his most soothing voice, he whispered, “Għasfur, show me what you got.”

“Ara, ħabib, x’taħseb li qed tagħmel? (Hey friend, what do you think you’re doing?)” The pigeon cooed in perfect Maltese.

Toni gasped. Was it true? Could it be?! With a sparkle in his eye and excitement bubbling in his heart, he knew this feathered friend was his ticket to fame.

Plot Twist in the Piazza

But, just as Toni reached out with the cage, a plot twist unfolded at the speed of a Maltese bus trying to make up for lost time. A gust of wind blew in, carrying with it a sound more melodious than the tune of an ice-cream truck on a scorching July afternoon in Valletta. This was no ordinary wind, it was carrying the harmonious tones of…an opera singing rabbit?!

Of Operatic Rabbits and Serenading Pigeons

The source of the singing was none other than a runaway rabbit from a nearby fenkata (rabbit stew) feast in Rabat, named Karrottu, crooning his way to freedom. As people turned their heads towards the spectacle, the pigeon seized the moment, flapped its wings, and perched atop Karrottu’s back. Together, they created an impromptu street performance that captivated the crowds.

Stunned and wide-eyed, Toni knew what he had to do. He whipped out his phone and started live streaming the event. Comments flooded in, with viewers piling in from Siġġiewi to Sliema, from locals to shock-eyed tourists. The Pigeon Association of Malta (PAM) even tweeted:

“Mela! A pigeon that speaks Maltese and a singing rabbit? Only in Mdina, folks! #MaltesePigeon #OperaticRabbit #MdinaMagic”

The video went viral, outshining even the most heartwarming of Qormi cat videos. Toni, the Gozitan pigeon, and the operatic rabbit Karrottu were booked for the upcoming Isle of MTV event, slated to perform their first single, “Kollox Possibli” (Everything is Possible).

The Curtain Call

So there you have it, folks. From hunting whispers of a chattin’ pigeon to stumbling upon a warbling rabbit, Toni’s hunt took an unexpected yet enchanting turn. In the end, he didn’t trap a mere bird; he freed a duo that captured the hearts of Malta and beyond.

As the sun set over the ancient streets of Mdina, Toni couldn’t help but chuckle at the day’s events. It was indeed true — in Malta, expect the unexpected; even the pigeons might just strike up a conversation with you.

Stay tuned for our next exclusive: “The Great Girna Maker Bake-off: Who Will Rock the Stone Age?” Only on Times of Mela.
