The Gozitan Traffic Camel: An Unlikely Solution to the Island’s Congestion Woes

Chapter 1: The Carmelo Commuter Conundrum

In the sun-kissed island of Gozo, where the Mediterranean breeze carries the scent of salt and wild thyme, an unexpected hero emerges from the picturesque backdrop of the Azure Window. Meet Carmelo the Camel, Gozo’s newest traffic officer, who has been turning heads from Victoria to Xlendi with his unique approach to curbing the island’s infamous traffic problems.

Local inventor and part-time philosopher, Ċikku, looked at the congestion one morning and declared, “Mela, why are we not thinking outside the karrozza?” And so, the Gozitan Traffic Camel was born. Unlike the usual horse-powered vehicles, this camel came equipped with saddlebags full of ħobż biż-żejt, promising to deliver not only a solution to traffic but also a tasty snack for those stuck in the midday gridlock.

Chapter 2: Ħobż biż-Żejt and Commutes

Each morning, Carmelo would take his post at the most notorious roundabouts and intersections, his calming presence causing drivers to slow down, ponder life and realize that maybe, just maybe, they were in less of a rush than they thought.

“You never see a stressed camel,” remarked Sina, a local bus driver who’d traded her steering wheel for a camel ride. “So we thought, uwejja, if they can stay chill in the desert, why not let them handle the heat of rush hour?”

The residents soon found the roads more manageable, the air crisper, and the atmosphere surprisingly serene. Some even swapped their cars for bicycles or started carpooling, inspired by the slow but steady pace of the island’s newest four-legged official.

Chapter 3: The Unintended Side Effect

However, every solution in Gozo seems to come with a twist as curly as the famed spiral pastries from Qormi. While traffic reduced, a new phenomenon emerged – camel selfies. Tourists and locals alike flocked to capture a moment with the oddly charismatic Carmelo, generating a secondary traffic of photo-ops.

In a comical turn, a group of enterprising nannas began selling knitted camel hats next to the Azure Window, leading to an unexpected fashion trend and a sudden shortage of wool. Indeed, the Gozitan Traffic Camel had become a cultural icon.

Traffic Control and Social Media Fame

Carmelo’s fame skyrocketed, with his Instagram account reaching influencer status overnight. Posts of his daily commutes and cheeky captions became the talk of the town, in every town, including distant Żebbuġ and twice-as-distant Comino.

In one memorable incident, a cheeky young tourist tried to offer Carmelo a rabbit stew instead of his usual fare. The camel, in his infinite wisdom, simply snorted and shook his head, as if to say, “Kollox, but not the rabbit stew, pal.”

Chapter 5: The Twist Nobody Saw Coming

The final twist in our tale arrived one chilly eve as the sun dipped below Dwejra Bay. Ċikku received a mysterious letter, handwritten and sealed with the emblem of a single-humped silhouette. The letter kindly requested the use of the camel for a grand experiment involving sustainable transportation across all of Malta.

“I always knew Carmelo was destined for greatness,” Ċikku sighed contentedly, “but who would have thought a hump could hump it all the way to the big leagues?”

And so, the Times of Mela uncovers yet another delightful yarn from within its sunbathed shores. Stay tuned for updates on the Gozitan Traffic Camel saga, where perhaps next, we’ll discover Carmelo’s attempt at managing airport luggage or guiding night-time hikes through the Għarb hills.

In Gozo, it seems, even the wildest dreams trot to the steady rhythm of island time, and every traffic jam hides the potential for a new friend, a full belly, and a good ol’ chuckle. Mela, dear readers, isn’t that what island life is all about?
