The Mdina Misadventure: A Tale of Lost Tourists and Temporal Troubles

Chapter 1: An Ordinary Morning in Sliema

Karmenu, the owner of “Il-Kiosk tal-Kappar,” was just opening his quaint little corner shop in the bustling seaside town of Sliema, famous for its promenade and views of Valletta. As the sun began to warm the limestone buildings, a group of bewildered tourists stumbled upon his shopfront, their eyes wide with a mix of confusion and awe.

“Good morning, sir. We’re a bit lost,” said the first one, a tall man with a camera slung around his neck. “We were looking for Mdina, but it seems we’ve taken a wrong turn somewhere between the ferry and the bus stop.”

Karmenu chuckled, shaking his head. “Uwejja, my friends, you’re far from Mdina. But no worries, you’ve come to the right place for directions—and perhaps a quick bite to eat! Here, have some pastizzi, they’ll sort you right out.”

Chapter 2: The Mysterious Maltese GPS

After happily munching on the crispy treats filled with ricotta, the tourists eagerly gathered around Karmenu, who was now holding what looked like an ancient map sprinkled with bread crumbs and titled ‘The Secret Passages of Malta’.

“See this map? It’s been passed down my family for generations. Legend has it that it shows a network of shortcuts that’ll get you anywhere on the island in no time. And since you seem like a good bunch, I’ll let you in on the secret of getting to Mdina fast,” Karmenu explained, winking.

The tourists, intrigued by the enigmatic directions and the prospects of an adventure, thanked Karmenu and set off towards Mdina, map in hand.

Chapter 3: A Time-Warp in Gozo?

Somewhere along the route, a sudden twist awaited the unsuspecting tourists: a hidden detour that magically whisked them away to Gozo, in a blink! Stumbling out of a hedge-lined path, they found themselves facing the Ġgantija temples, far from the Medieval city of Mdina.

“Kollox is possible in Malta if you follow Karmenu’s map, it seems,” quipped one tourist, staring at the prehistoric site in awe. Just as they pondered their options, a local farmer named Pawlu approached them, bewildered by their sudden appearance.

Chapter 4: Pawlu’s Puzzling Proposition

Pawlu, snickering at the sight of the dazed foreigners, offered a trade: he’d set them on the right path, but only if they agreed to help him solve the mystery of his vanishing ħobż biż-żejt, a tasty Maltese sandwich that kept disappearing from his kitchen.

“Agree to my terms, and I’ll guide you to Mdina—via the scenic route, of course,” Pawlu said with a smirk. “Fail, and you’ll be stuck in Gozo, watching over my sheep until the end of time.”

With a nervous laugh, the tourists nodded and commenced their investigation. Little did they know, the true culprit was a mischievous local cat with a fondness for Maltese delicacies.

Chapter 5: The Great Cat Caper

The tourists, after a comedic series of trial and error, finally caught the furry bandit red-handed. To express his gratitude, Pawlu escorted the group back to the main island, not through a secret passage, but aboard his friend’s fishing boat, the ‘Serenity of Xlendi.’

Chapter 6: A Surprise Arrival in Valletta

To their surprise, they docked not in Mdina, but in the Grand Harbour of Valletta. As they thanked Pawlu and disembarked amidst the city’s Baroque splendor, they found Karmenu waiting for them with a sheepish grin.

“Sorry about that mix-up. The map’s shortcuts are a bit outdated, but hey, you got a free tour of Gozo and a boat ride!” Karmenu chuckled. “Now, follow me. I’ll personally take you to Mdina. And who knows, we might even find a quicker way through a temporal vortex or a tunnelling pastizz!”

“Mela! What an adventure,” exclaimed the tourists, now completely at ease with the charming unpredictability of Malta. “We’ll be leaving with stories to last a lifetime and perhaps a bit more trust in traditional directions next time.”

And with that, the band of tourists finally set off towards the Silent City of Mdina, guided not by mystical maps or enigmatic locals, but the unmistakable chuckles of Karmenu, the mastermind shopkeeper with a penchant for practical jokes and Maltese hospitality.

The Times of Mela reminds you that while time travel isn’t guaranteed in Malta, an unforgettable experience absolutely is!
