The Mdina Midnight Cat Caper: A Whiskered Whodunit

The Purr-fect Crime

It was a night like no other in the ancient city of Mdina, where the moon shone bright over the silent streets, casting a glow on the centuries-old bastions. Carmenu, a retired postman turned amateur detective, was savoring a flaky pastizz by the iconic St. Paul’s Cathedral, when a frantic meow disrupted the tranquility. The cats of Mdina, famously the city’s unofficial tour guides, had vanished!

Clawful Suspicions and Tail-Tell Clues

Pulling out his magnifying glass, Carmenu scraped crumbs off his moustache, and set out to solve The Mdina Midnight Cat Caper. His first stop? The legendary Fontanella Tea Garden, where a ħobż biż-żejt toast to the missing felines was underway. There, he met Leli the baker, Rita the waitress, and Toni the tourist, who all claimed to have seen a shadowy figure tempting the cats with an oversized bag of gourmet galletti.

Leli’s Loaf-ly Alibi

“Uwejja, I couldn’t possibly be involved! I knead my dough till dawn. My hands are full of flour, not feline felonies,” Leli stated with a dough-smeared grin.

Rita’s Rebuttal

“I spend me evenings layin’ out tables, not layin’ out traps! And who would serve our beloved cats their evening saucer of milk if not me?” Rita chimed in, hands on hips as she jingled a tray of clinking glasses.

Toni’s Tourist’s Testament

“As much as I love the kitties, mate, I’m just here for the views and brews. Besides, I’ve got a selfie stick, not a cat stick,” Toni scoffed, brandishing his latest gadget.

The Galletti Gambit

Undeterred by their alibis, Carmenu theorized that someone wanted the Mdina cats out of the picture to decipher the secret location of the fabled Golden Qubbajt hidden within the city walls. The motive? Sweet, nougaty power.

Social Media Sleuthing

Carmenu took to the digital streets, spying on the Instagram account ‘@MdinaMouser’, a glamorous page filled with the missing cats striking poses around town. Among the hashtags and selfies, one location popped up again and again: Gozo’s Ġgantija Temples. The connection was astounding—cats, galletti, and ancient ruins?


“Kollox okay, Carmenu, but what’s with the fancy photo filtering, eh?” Carmenu cornered the account owner, a teenage history buff named Paula, who looked guiltier than a kid caught with a handful of ħelu.

The Island Interlude

“Mela, I just wanted to throw a party for the cats at Ġgantija, like a proper shindig with crispy fish and boat rides. Who doesn’t like an adventure, right?” Paula admitted, her plan unraveling faster than a ball of yarn.

The Furry Finale

Just as Carmenu was piecing together the puzzle, a sudden chorus of meows echoed through the night. The cats returned, each adorned with a tiny golden locket engraved with a map, leading to the actual treasure—a lifetime supply of pastizzi, courteously provided by Leli, Rita, and Toni as a clever touristic attraction.

The Accidental Accomplice

“Turns out, the galletti gambit was just Toni’s viral marketing ploy gone wild! Who would have thought it’d lead to a catnap, huh?” Leli joked, as the cats lounged lazily around the gathered crowd.

Hashtag Happy Endings

“And now I’ve got the purr-fect hashtag for this adventure — #MdinaMysteryMiaow,” Paula giggled, snapping away with her smartphone, the cats now Insta-famous and Mdina’s newest legend born.

The Tale Lives On

As the tale of the Mdina Midnight Cat Caper spread, locals and tourists alike thronged the streets, eager for a glimpse of the heroic cats. Carmenu hung up his detective hat, content that the mystery had been solved, and Mdina’s whiskered guardians were home for good. Legends have it that on moonlit nights, if you listen closely, you can hear the feline festivities and the rustling of pastizzi wrappers in the breeze.

Mela, isn’t life just purrfect sometimes?
