When the Silicon Valletta Runs on Testosterone: Malta’s Gender Gap Saga

The Maltese Digital Divas: A Rare Breed

Once upon a sun-drenched afternoon in Mdina, a meeting of Malta’s most elusive group was taking place – the Digital Divas. They were a coterie so scarce, they might as well have been the mythic mermaids of the Malta’s coasts. Amidst the antique charms of the silent city, these fourteen percenters – Malta’s women in IT – were concocting a plan to breach the boy’s club of Silicon Valletta. “Uwejja, enough is enough!” exclaimed the leader, Tiziana, fist hitting the ħobż biż-żejt-laden table, olive oil splattering like a painter’s first erasure of a cliché canvas.

Nerdy Neptunes and the Plot to Plug-In

Tiziana’s right-hand woman, Doris, a programmer who could code her way out of a paper bag if it had Wi-Fi, chimed in with tech enthusiasm that could reboot a server. “Mela, listen up. We camouflage ourselves as the ‘Nerdy Neptunes’ – an all-male developer team from Gozo. With fake beards and pastizzi-powered bravado, we infiltrate the annual ‘ManCode’ conference. Kollox clear?” The gathered giggled at this caper comparable to a plot from a budget Maltese spy movie directed by a disillusioned accountant turned filmmaker.

A Twist of Beard and Fate

Day of the ‘ManCode’ dawned, and the Digital Divas donned their manliest disguises – it was as if the cast of ‘Gladiator’ had been cloned in a techie’s basement. But, as luck would have it, Anton, a key developer wouldn’t be able to make it to the conference; he missed the ferry from Valletta due to a herd of plump tourists blocking his path like it was the last stand at the Siege of Malta. Markus, the HR head and self-proclaimed ‘Dude Whisperer,’ was sent in desperation to find a last-minute replacement.

“Uwejja, I thought Nerdy Neptunes were just a myth, like punctuality in our public transport. Come, you’re up next!” – Markus, unwittingly recruiting Digital Divas in disguise.

Markus ushered the camouflaged Divas onto the stage. The Divas, sporting scratchy beards and a swagger, presented an app concept so revolutionary, it would make a Silicon Valley exec weep into his superfood smoothie.

The Revelation and Celebration

Mid-presentation, a sneeze of seismic proportions rattled Tiziana, and her facial fuzz flew off, uncovering the hoax. An awkward silence fell, thick enough to cut with a knife and serve with bittersweet ġbejna. Then from the audience a cheer erupted, breaking the silence: “Mela, that’s how you do it, ladies!”

“Finally, the beard is off – and not just literally. Time to acknowledge our women as the code warriors they are!” – A reformed Markus.

The conference ended with the Nerdy Neptunes being hailed heroes, their app securing funding faster than a teenager texting during mass. The ‘ManCode’ transformed into a ‘HumanCode’ henceforth, and Malta began to pave a more gender-balanced digital highway. Tiziana and her troop were no longer the mermaids of IT; they were the talk of the town, making headlines and frontend codes, one encrypted line at a time.

The Divas’ Code: A Legacy Written

The Digital Divas, in a twist as unexpected as finding non-sugary bread in a pastizzeria, had not only closed the gap — but also flung open the floodgates to a future where ‘testosterone’ was not a job requirement. And as the Maltese say, when life gives you lemons, make some lemonade; or better yet, use them to garnish a riveting tale of diversity in the digitized alleys of Malta.

And so the ‘Times of Mela’ would make sure this story was served with as much gusto as a Sunday rabbit stew at a family gathering in Gozo, inspiring little girls and boys to dream, not in pink or blue, but in the universal language of binary – a zero and a one, standing side by side, as equals.
