When the Bells of Mdina Don’t Toll: The Clock Tower Mystery

Tony “il-Buki” and The Silent Bells

One fine morning in Mdina, Malta’s former capital and the so-called “Silent City,” things were about to get decidedly less silent. Local character and self-proclaimed “time enthusiast,” Carmelo “il-Ħinu” Tabone, woke up to an unexpected silence – the historic clock tower’s bells hadn’t rung. With consternation ruffling his mustache, il-Ħinu ventured out, his traditional ġlud slapping the cobbled stones, to investigate this most unusual occurrence.

Rumors spread quicker than butter on ħobż biż-żejt, reaching even the distant shores of Gozo. By noon, every Maltese mamà and her cat knew that the bells which had told the time since the Knights were knee-high to a grasshopper, had taken a vow of silence.

The Investigation Begins: A Twist of Fish

Enter Police Commissioner Tony “il-Buki” Zahra, renowned for his detective skills and for regularly consuming sizable portions of lampuki pie. He was determined to uncover why the Mdina bells had struck a deal with the mute devil. In a city where the most scandalous event was a tourist’s loose shoelace, this was the controversy of the century.

“We will leave no stone unturned, not even the ones in the Ggantija Temples!” Tony “il-Buki” declared, adjusting his ill-fitted police cap.

The Plot Thickens: An Eccentric Cast Emerges

As il-Buki dug deeper into the mystery, a cast of characters emerged straight out of a Maltese folklore tale. Dolores “id-Dolly” Camilleri, the town’s gossip queen and pastizzi aficionado, swore she saw a figure cloaked in darkness scrambling up the tower at the stroke of midnight. Mysteriously, the cloaked figure left behind a singular, salty breadcrumb trail – a clue as perplexing as a rabbit without a stew.

Then there was Żeża “tal-Mistrieħ,” the sprightly octogenarian who had cleaned the tower every Tuesday since the invention of the broom. She claimed to have unearthed an ancient prophecy from behind an old cuckoo clock, predicting that when the bells fell silent, Mdina would turn into a 24/7 bustling metropolis akin to Sliema.

Breaking News: The Lost Treasure of Valletta

As Tony “il-Buki” juggled testimonies and pastizzi crumbs, a plot twist hit the headlines. A group of Scuba divers discovered a 16th-century treasure chest off the coast of Valletta, filled with golden clock hands – presumably looted from the many clocks gifted to Malta by foreign dignitaries. The island was abuzz; could this be the motive behind the hush of the bells?

Disbelief shook the archipelago, with many refusing to take the dive (both figuratively and literally) into accepting this theory. Yet, everything changed when a 200-year-old map was recovered from the tower’s belfry, hinting at the clock hands being part of a legendary Maltese time-machine.

“Mela, imagine we could turn back time to when parking in Paceville wasn’t a nightmare,” one local dreamt aloud on the public bus, sparking wanderlust amongst the daily commuters.

Interactive Elements: A Call to Action

In an unprecedented move, the Commissioner turned to the public for aid, urging anyone with information to send anonymous tips via the Times of Mela Facebook page. The social media response was overwhelming, with over 300 sightings of mysterious, time-related anomalies reported across the islands, from watches running backwards in Birgu to sundials displaying moon phases in Marsaxlokk.

Conclusion: The Silent Bells Toll at Last

Eager to resonate once more, the bells’ tolling mystery took another twist. It was discovered that the clock mechanism had been stealthily replaced with a digital timer set to count down to the Eurovision Song Contest. A clever prank, or a covert attempt by a rival town to snatch Mdina’s title of “Best Place to Enjoy the Sound of Silence”?

On the eve before the song contest, as midnight approached, the clock tower whirred back to life, the gears once again in position. At the stroke of twelve, the bells sounded louder than ever, ringing in not only the hour but the return of normalcy to the denizens of Mdina. Impromptu feasts erupted, featuring dishes celebrated across the island, like fenkata and timpana. Uwejja, what a night!

“Kollox is back to normal,” Il-Buki chuckled, taking a well-deserved bite of qassatat, as the clock tower continued to mark time – a rhythm as steady as the Maltese heart.
