When the Zammit’s Zany Zebra Zipped through Żejtun

The Great Żejtun Zebra Caper

In the quaint and colourful streets of Żejtun, known for its tranquil piazzas and the feast of St. Catherine, chaos erupted one fateful morning when Beppe the Barber spotted a zebra galloping past his shop. “Uwejja! That’s not the usual cat crossing the street,” he exclaimed. The zebra, sporting a flashy painted-on Maltese cross, was none other than the prized pet of the enigmatic local celebrity, Saviour Zammit.

Interview with a Zebra Chaser

“I was having my morning tea and ħobż biż-żejt, when all of a sudden, I see this stripey horse zoom by. I nearly choked on a tomato!” – Beppe the Barber

The news spread faster than rabbit stew at a village festa. By noon, half the town was out on the streets, smartphones in hand, tweeting and snapping pictures faster than you could say “Mela, isn’t that a bit too much?”

The Hunt Is On

Tonight’s prime-time news had its headline, and what a headline it was! The entire island was enthralled by the great zebra chase, with everyone from Valletta to Gozo posting sightings online. It became a national sensation, overshadowing even the recipes for the best pastizzi on local cooking shows. However, the people were not just spectators in this escapade; they were active participants bringing their own zany theories and methods to the table.

Amateur Sherlocks and Zebra Trappers

Digital detectives analysed social media posts for clues, while elderly Mdina residents claimed it was a sign from above, warning that the tower of Saint Paul’s Cathedral would finally be getting a lift. Across the channel, Gozitans mocked their main island cousins for their urban jungle becoming a bit too literal.

The Twist in the Tail

Amidst the commotion, Tereza, a little-known psychic from Marsaxlokk, stunned the island when she had a vision of the zebra resting by the Azure Window, which had mysteriously reappeared just for the occasion. The nation gasped, but no one took her seriously, especially since the Azure Window had unfortunately collapsed into the sea years ago.

Cultural Fiesta

But who could foresee the most bizarre event of the day? Just as the sun set and the humming voices of the curious crowd filled the seafront promenade, they witnessed a spectacle of a lifetime. The zebra, weary from its island-wide trek, emerged from the shadows, followed by a host of karmni pigeons, the small but scrappy national bird, forming a surreal procession. This was not merely a runaway animal—it was a four-legged cultural fiesta!

A spontaneous festival broke out. Street vendors sold striped pastries and zebra-striped beach towels. Someone even started projecting a history documentary onto the side of the Parish Church of St. Catherine, detailing the rich history of Żejtun, now featuring a new striped hero. It was unpredictably brilliant, the kind of thing that could only happen on an island where history and hilarity intertwined.

The Zebra’s Safe Return

The story could not end without a heartwarming twist. Saviour Zammit, the zebra’s owner, made a grand entrance riding his backup zebra, triumphantly leading the stray back to its stable. It turned out, the escapee had been spooked by the neighbour’s overenthusiastic interpretation of the Ħarġa ta’ Santa Marija fireworks.

“I should have known! Pietru’s fireworks are louder than a summer thunderstorm!” – Saviour Zammit

As the island returned to its rhythm, the “Great Żejtun Zebra Caper” immortalized itself in Maltese legend. Twitter was flooded with hashtags like #StripeLife and #ZebraZejtun, while Instagram featured an array of black and white filters for the next week. Beppe the Barber offered zebra-striped hairstyles, and Tereza’s psychic hotline blew up with inquiries from curious locals and doubtful tourists alike.

In honour of the event, a life-sized zebra statue now stands in Żejtun’s main square, winking at passersby, as if it knows just how wonderfully weird its hometown really is. “Times of Mela,” your trusted source for the whimsical and the wacky, will be right here, narrating each twist as only we know how.

Stay Tuned…

“And remember folks, in Malta, even the street crossings come to life. What’s next, a pastizzi pilgrimage? Stay tuned, dear readers!” – Times of Mela
