The Caper at the Cisk Brewery

Malta’s Grandest Heist that Never Was

In a quiet corner of Birgu, famed for its gallant history and narrow alleys, there twitched curtains and whispered rumors about the heist of the century, a scheme so audacious it could only be ranked next to the Great Siege in its potential to capture the Maltese imagination. The target? None other than the legendary Cisk lager supply of the Lager Bräu Ltd.

Meet the Masterminds

The ringleader was Toni, a Sliema-born plucky chap with a penchant for polo shirts and a cunning mind, rivaled only by a rabbit in ‘l-Imnarja’ season. His right-hand man, Ċensu, hailed from the sleepy village of Qormi, with a belly filled with pastizzi tal-piżelli and a head full of less-than-legal schemes.

The Plot Thickens—Like Pea Purée

Our tale begins in the heart of Valletta, where Toni spills the beans to Ċensu over a casual brunch of ħobż biż-żejt and a couple of bottles of Cisk.

“Uwejja! D’you hear about the truck full of beer that got hijacked on its way to Gozo?” Toni asked, shaking his head.

This planted the seed which would soon blossom into an all-out plan to burgle the iconic brewery and sate the thirst of a nation—well, at least the two of them and their band of merry tipplers.

The Scheme Sours

The duo, masquerading as delivery men, had almost succeeded in absconding with enough ale to ensure perpetual merriment. They were on the home stretch, slinking through the twisting streets with a van bulging with bottles when trouble started brewing.

A Sticky Situation

The van, branded with the unmistakable Cisk logo, had attracted unexpected attention. It was ‘festa’ season, and the streets were choked with revelers, eager to throw themselves into the festive spirits – quite literally. A lackluster turn down a narrow lane and a misjudged kerb left the getaway van teetering on the edge like a seesaw, the bottles clinking an ominous melody.

But wait—the story takes yet another twist! As the crowd gathered around the van, assuming this was some kind of publicity stunt, a sudden cheer erupted. Instead of calling the authorities, the populace started an impromptu game, challenging each other to guess how many bottles were inside the vehicle.

The Unlikely Heroes

In the meantime, the village Chief Police Officer, a stout fellow named Spiru, sauntered up to the scene with his trusty hound Mixu. Hearing of thefts by the tippler tricksters, he was determined to apprehend them post-ħaste.

“Ejja, Mixu, let’s see if these guys are full of more bubbles than their brew,” Spiru chuckled.

The officer, known for his unconventional methods, had an inkling that something was amiss. With Mixu’s nose twitching faster than a ‘lamtu’ in a whirlwind, the crafty canine dashed straight for the crooks, bypassing all the onlookers and pulling up just short of the van’s rear doors, wagging his tail fiercely.

A Twist of Maltese Destiny

The game grew rowdier, with participants offering wild estimates—from 10,000 to 1 beer, hoping to win the yet-to-be-announced prize. Sensing the rising warmth of community spirit (and the heat from Spiru’s glare), Toni and Ċensu had an epiphany.

They emerged from their hiding spots and professed it was all for charity! Yes, ‘for the kids.’ A genius save, or kollox se jaħdem out, as one might say.

The village folks, enraptured by this supposed act of goodwill, began donating liberally. In a moment of instant karma, the robbers-turned-philanthropists were raising more funds than they could have ever pilfered!

The Aftermath

Spiru, ever the skeptic, kept a close eye on the duo but found himself unwittingly moved by the power of the people. As the sun dipped below the horizon, silhouetting the grand dome of Mosta in a magical orange glow, order was restored, and the errant van was rescued. An unforeseen camaraderie blossomed between cop and crooks—even Mixu seemed to approve.

Community Chest

The donations were counted (not the beers, as they mysteriously vanished amidst the commotion), and the sum was beyond anyone’s wildest dreams. The funds were enough to provide a year’s supply of textbooks for the local school and even to fix the town’s perennially squeaky windmill.


And so it was, that what began as the potential heist of the year ended in a community feast, with Toni and Ċensu hailed as unlikely benefactors. Eyewitnesses claim they even caught Spiru, clinking a Cisk with the duo at day’s end, unwittingly cementing the greatest caper at the Cisk brewery that never was.

The Moral?

In true Maltese fashion, kif jgħidu, every cloud has a silver lining—or in this case, every ale truck has an upside-down fate, as long as there’s Malta, merriment, and a munificent spirit!

Mela, what’s next on this little island of surprises?
