The Gozitan Goats that Got Rich from Gbejna Cheese Shares

The Unexpectedly Enterprising Herd of Gozo

In the rolling hills of Gozo, where the grass is as green as the envy of onlooking farmers, a herd of savvy goats took the island by storm, and no, not by eating everyone’s laundry. These weren’t your regular bleating beasts; these were entrepreneurial goats that had launched their very own Gbejna cheese startup, “Gbejna Goats Inc.” As they said, “To err is human; to make cheese, divine.”

The Innovative Carmelu and His Goats

Carmelu, a humble farmer with a knack for unconventional ideas, had always believed his goats possessed a certain ‘je ne sais baa’. One night, as he was sipping on his hot Kinnie and contemplating life, his lead goat, Bettina, approached him with a twinkle in her eyes. Now, Carmelu always understood goats better than people, and Bettina was no exception. She handed him a piece of paper scribbled with what seemed to be an elaborate business plan.

The Gozitan Cheese Stock Market

Within months, “Gbejna Goats Inc.” was a booming business. The goats, after seeking advice from the wisest cat in Mdina, invested in a stock market for cheese – something Malta had never seen. Uwejja, before anyone could say ‘pastizzi’, shares of Gbejna cheese were selling like ħobż biż-żejt at a village festa.

“We wanted to diversify our portfolio from just grazing,” explained Bettina, during an exclusive interview with her trusty translator, Carmelu. “It was either this or renting out our bells on AirBnB.”

When the Cheese Bubble Burst

All was going well until the Great Gbejna Crash of ’23. The goats, now accustomed to the high life – attending operas in Valletta and hosting yacht parties in the Grand Harbour – faced a financial reckoning. The price of Gbejna had plummeted due to an invasion of counterfeit cheese flooding the market from Sicily.

The Comeback: Goats on Social Media

Refusing to accept defeat, the goats pivoted to social media, with a little help from tech-savvy local youths. The Gozitan Goats’ Instagram account, filled with glamour shots of Bettina and the herd posing with their artisanal Gbejna, went viral. Sales sored, kollox went back to normal, and the goats’ legacy was secured. Even the counterfeiters couldn’t resist following them.

“It’s all about understanding the market,” Bettina bleated sagely. “And a good selfie angle with the Azure Window ruins in the background doesn’t hurt either.”

Epilogue: An Island Transformed

The goats of Gozo had inspired a new wave of agricultural tech startups, and before long, chickens were offering organic egg subscriptions and the pigs were rolling out a truffle-hunting app. But none could hold a candle to the Goats and their Gbejna shares, who had not only enriched themselves but had left an indelible mark on the business landscape of Gozo.


  • Bettina and her herd continued to innovate, launching a line of Gbejna-flavored gelato.
  • Carmelu became a sought-after consultant, advising farmers across Malta on how to listen to their animals.
  • Gozo was now on the map, not just as a picturesque getaway, but as the burgeoning Silicon Valley of cheese finance.

As Bettina would say, “Mela, who knew goats could be so baa-rilliant in business?”
