The Mystery of the Vanishing Għeneb from Marsaxlokk: Każar’s Quest for the Ultimate Wine

Chapter 1: The Grape Escape

It was a sunny afternoon in Marsaxlokk when retired fisherman-turned-amateur winemaker, Każar, discovered something amiss in his vineyard. His precious għeneb (grapes), the pride of the village and secret behind his sought-after homemade wine, had vanished without a trace.

“Uwejja! Ilsieni siwi stuck out wider than a qanneb in a storm,” cried Każar, as he desperately scanned the empty rows where his beloved grapes once flourished. Baffled, his only clue was a trail of grape stems leading to the old train tracks that hadn’t seen a locomotive since the heyday of The Malta Railway.

Chapter 2: An Unlikely Suspect

Meanwhile, in Valletta, rumors of a rogue sommelier sniffing around for the perfect vintage had reached the ears of locals. Farfetched as it seemed, Każar’s wino instincts dared him to stitch these two mysteries together with the finesse of a ħalfa making a fishnet.

“Could this sommelier guy be after my secret recipe to produce the greatest wine Malta has ever tasted? Mela, I must investigate!”

He hopped onto the next bus, whose timetable was as reliable as rain in August, and prepared to get to the bottom of this vinous vendetta.

Chapter 3: The Mdina Encounter

Każar’s quest led him to Mdina, a city steeped in history and gossip. As he roamed the cobbled streets, a chance encounter with a gang of teen tiktok-ers dabbling in grapevine intel offered him a slice of information as juicy as a ġbejna.

“We heard that there’s a secret wine auction happening beneath the Catacombs, dude. Maybe your grapes got an invite!”

Każar felt a spark of hope flash through him. Forged with intrigue, he set his sights on the underground market.

Chapter 4: Catacomb Capers

As twilight fell, disguised in a borrowed cassock to blend with the Mdina ghost tour crowd, Każar infiltrated the catacombs. Indeed, there it was—an illicit wine auction, with a bottle of ‘Marsaxlokk’s Finest’ as the star lot. Alas, the grapes depicted on the label were unmistakably his own!

He watched as a Zuckerberg look-alike raised the bid, waving about euros like they were ħobż biż-żejt. Każar knew it was now or never to unmask the grape traitor amongst the wealthy audience.

Chapter 5: The Sommelier Strikes Back

“Ladies and gentlemen! This isn’t wine; it’s pure theft!” Każar’s voice echoed through the caves. The crowd gasped, the Zuckerberg doppelganger fainted, and the sommelier’s disguise peeled off to reveal—Marlene, the owner of Gozo’s only grapeless vineyard!

Exposed and humiliated, Marlene confessed her envy of Każar’s verdant vines. With the għeneb gobbledygook resolved, Każar magnanimously offered Marlene an apprenticeship, teaching her the true art of Maltese winemaking, one that didn’t involve snatching grapes in the dead of night.

With the mystery put to rest, the ‘Times of Mela’ threw in a mix of hu and hu profiles of the involved parties for its devoted readers. The articles featured stylized reenactments of the catacomb showdown, complete with flailing cassocks and fainting rich folk, ensuring the grape escape would be celebrated in local lore for years to come.


The sensational discovery of this vinicultural villainy saved not only Każar’s vines but inspired a newfound appreciation for the hardworking farmers of Malta. Laughter rippled through the islands as the tale spread, and the ‘Times of Mela’ readers snorted their pastizzi out in amusement, finding comfort in the fact that true Maltese spirit—and wine—would always prevail.
