The Mysterious Case of the Vanishing Ħaxix: A Maltese Agricultural Fiasco

Chapter 1: The Green-thumb Gang of Għargħur

Down in Għargħur, there was a group of villagers with green thumbs so skilled, they could make a rock sprout leaves. They called themselves the Green-thumb Gang, featuring the likes of Wistin, Paulu, and Doris, whose ġbejniet were legendary. Gardening was their passion, and together they grew the most succulent tomatoes, the crunchiest ċikkulata lettuce, and the zestiest zucchini you’d ever taste.

But something strange started happening Uwejja! The vegetables began to disappear from their plots overnight. And no, this wasn’t the usual “neighbor-borrowing-some-thyme” kinda scenario. This was full-on horticultural heist material!

Chapter 2: The Plot (Garden) Thickens

One morning, as Wistin munched on his ħobż biż-żejt, his phone buzzed with a message none other than Doris:

“Wistin, kemm int ħelu! But put that down, we’ve got a bigger fish to fry… or should I say a bigger zucchini to grill — our harvest is vanishing like ice-cream in summer.”

Their precious plants weren’t just gardening gold; they were the backbone of the Għargħur Farmers’ Market. Without them, what would the locals spread on their ftira? How would they stuff their qassatat?

The gang needed to get to the bottom of this. They devised a plan to stake out the gardens that very night, armed with nothing but flashlights and leftover figolli from Easter.

Chapter 3: An Unlikely Culprit

As moonlight danced over the tilled soil, a shadowy figure darted between the rows. “Mela, you see dat?” whispered Paulu, almost dropping his figolla in excitement. Sure enough, as they closed in, they caught the thief — a rare Maltese Żaqqież (a gopher, but way cuter) named Ġanni.

Ġanni was a cheeky rodent, but he was also very polite. “Sorry folks, didn’t mean no trouble. It’s just ehh… I’m preparing a feast for the legendary Fenech the Falcon and I needed some grub. He promised to make me famous in the animal kingdom. You hear of Fenech? Big bird, even bigger ego.”

A falcon using a gopher to harvest vegetables for a feast? That was a new one even for the wackiest of Maltese folklore. But nothing phased the Green-thumb Gang. They knew exactly what to do.

Chapter 4: Tal-Barrani’s Tantalizing Treaty

Ġanni led them to Tal-Barrani, where Fenech the Falcon resided. The falcon, as opulent as a peacock and twice as verbose, had a proposition. In exchange for not eating Ġanni, the Green-thumb Gang would supply the feast with their best produce — Gozo cheeselets included.

Wistin, the savvy negotiator remarked,

“Orrajt, but we want a picture with you, Fenech. For our ‘Gram, you know? Show the people in Valletta what Għargħur is all about.”

As ludicrous as it sounded, the deal was struck. Who knew that a simple rodent-raptor partnership could generate so much clout?

Chapter 5: Of Feathers and Farmers

The feast was a success, with locally sourced everything — from rabbit stew to the finest of snails. Their Instagram page blew up overnight, and soon enough, even the Mdina night-tour guides were gossiping about it.

The unexpected twist in their tale had turned them into local celebrities. Their perseverance, coupled with a dash of island madness, put the Green-thumb Gang on the map.

And as for Ġanni? Suffice to say, he won the equivalent of the Animal Kingdom’s Oscar for ‘Best Supporting Rodent in an Agricultural Drama’.

Epilogue: The Vegetables Lived Happily Ever After

The Green-thumb Gang continued to garden, their plants now safe under the watchful eye of Fenech the Falcon (and Ġanni, the now-reformed gopher). Tourists from as far as the Silent City arrived to gawk at their greenery, proving that, in Malta, anything could happen, especially if it involved vegetables and social media fame.

And they all lived crazily ever after, sipping their Kinnie on the terrace, recounting the tale to anyone who would listen — because in Malta, stories grow just as majestically as the ħaxix does.

The End, or better yet… The Beginning? Mela, who knows!
